Hey There, I'm Katie...

When I left corporate America I was burnt the EEFF out! Exhausted from working long hard hours and feeling like very little was actually creating any impact I set out on a journey to not only heal myself but to help other project managers and team leaders be successful. 

I'm a passionate believer in the concept of reciprocity and stand by the idea of giving back and creating positive change. My passion, enthusiasm, and innovative work have helped me become an example of what it means to be a Liberated Leader and make a difference wherever you are. 
You DO NOT; have to conform, micromanage, or do all the work yourself!

Join me in becoming a Liberated Leader!

Some Fun Facts About Me

  • I love mid to late 60's muscle cars - they scream b@da$$ - I own a '65 Fastback Mustang
  • I'm a little bit leather and a little bit lace - I can be tough but it's because I care
  • The occasional WTF may come outta my mouth. I swear, hey this is a judgement free zone. The more real and authentic we are the better we connect. 
  • The ​ability to amuse oneself should be a highly regarded skill
  • ​By nature I'm super curious, often sharing seemingly random but wildly interesting tidbits of information

Professional Background

I have 25+ years of successful project management experience across numerous cross functional multi business initiatives. My last corporate position I constructed IT Project, Program, and Portfolio management, managing an average inventory of seventy-five pipelined projects, ranging in the millions of dollars, with sixty applications and solutions. 

I hold the PMP certification from The Project Management Institute and am a certified Personal Empowerment Coach.

For more information on my professional background I invite you to check out my LinkedIn profile

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